We are a Family on Mission…

which means that we are all called to be sent ones into the world. Part of being a family involves taking care of those that we love, putting food on the table, and nurturing those who can’t care for themselves. When you give to Hope Community Church, your gift not only keeps the lights on at the church, but also goes to support International workers preaching the gospel in low gospel-access countries and the work of church planting here in the state of Florida.

Please consider giving a tax deductible donation to the continuing ministry of Hope Community Church of the C&MA

You may do this by:

  • Clicking the “Give” button below and submitting your donation through Tithe.ly
  • Mailing a check to Hope Community Church. Please send it to the church at 1710 Kernan Blvd. N. Jacksonville FL 32225
  • Visiting on Sunday Morning and giving by dropping your check or cash in the Offering Box located inside the entrance to the Worship Center