Salvation Incarnate for the Soul

Setting the Stage
Setting the Stage
Salvation Incarnate for the Soul

Christ has suffered on our behalf not only for our sins, but also our griefs and sorrows. 1 Peter 1:10-12 show us that the suffering of Christ and subsequent glory is prophesied before his coming. Looking back at Isaiah 53 and Matthew 8 we see how Christ’s suffering provided for our salvation.

Preached by Brian Shore

New Birth

Setting the Stage
Setting the Stage
New Birth

The salvation of our souls only comes through the new birth that is provided by Christ. Looking at 1 Peter 1:3-9, we unpack how Christ is our living hope for salvation rooted in the the resurrection.

Preached by Brian Shore

Christ’s Second Coming

Setting the Stage
Setting the Stage
Christ's Second Coming

Looking at three parables from the 25th chapter of Matthew, Brian unpacks the second coming of Christ and that it proves to be a motivator for us to reach the lost and be concerned about the alien and immigrant.

Preached by Brian Shore

Our Heavenly Father

Setting the Stage
Setting the Stage
Our Heavenly Father

We have a lot of confusion about our Heavenly Father based on our experiences with our earthly fathers. However, we are his family and He brings Grace and Peace to us. Looking in 1 Peter 1:1-2 we see that we are now a part of a chosen race and we are transformed by our father’s grace and peace.

Preached by Brian Shore

Sick & Tired

Sick & Tired

In the First Sunday in over a Month, Pastor Brian is back and sharing about his sickness and the word God has for us from Isaiah 40. When we are sick and tired, Christ is their to sustain us through trials. Though we are week, Christ is our strength.

Jesus & Missions

Jesus & Missions

We are sent ones. Just as Jesus was sent into the world to proclaim good news, so also we are likewise sent on mission to proclaim good news to the lost. Looking at the story of Jesus as a boy, and the life of a missionary we will look at how Christ is the fist missionary and is calling us to the same life and proclamation.

Martha & Mary

Martha & Mary

Looking through the eyes of two sisters in Luke 10, we see that there are two covenants; two types of people. Those that are trying to work for their salvation and those who are gracious to receive the good news. We don’t have to impress God. He is already gracious to us by giving us salvation.

Grace & Peace

Grace & Peace

“Happy New Year” is a familiar greeting this time of year, but what is in a greeting? Why are they important? Looking a the greeting of grace and peace from the apostle Paul we see how we are to embark on this New Year not only though the grace of Christ, but in peace with God, ourselves, and one another.